Article 11 the budgetary revenues and expenditures take renminbi yuan as the calculating unit 第十一条预算收入和预算支出以人民币元为计算单位。
Article 21 income tax charged in accordance with this law shall use renminbi as the calculating unit 第二十一条依照本法缴纳的所得税以人民币为计算单位。
Nowadays , all functions of a calculator including calculating units , display driver , keyboard interface and so on , are integrated on one single chip 现代计算器使用一块集成电路芯片来完成各种运算、显示驱动和键盘接口等完整功能,依赖的是高度集成的动态cmos逻辑和微码设计技术。
Arithmetic is divided into some basic units , such as analog input unit , digital input unit , calculated unit etc . a series of unit were connected by the input and output relation between them 本文将监控过程中的算法分解为通过输入输出接口进行连接的独立环节,并将环节组合抽象为有向无环图。
Solving the wire loop profile for which nonlinearity mainly caused by plastic - elastic forming is a challenging work , a finite element model has been proposed to simulate the wire loop profiling , in which beam23 has been selected as calculating unit , and the trajectory of capillary is divided into many displacement loads and applied on the wire step by step 摘要针对引线成形过程中的材料非线性和几何非线性问题,选用塑性变形梁beam23单元建立有限元模型,通过时引线分阶段分步施加位移载荷模拟键合头的运动轨迹,求解得到相应的引线轮廓形状。